WSJ 2/10/05 Googleスピードダウン? 理由は採用に難あり?!,,SB110799402790350674,00.html?mod=technology_main_whats_news


Google Inc. executives said they can't expand as rapidly as they would like because they can't find enough qualified employees or deploy new computers fast enough.

At the company's first analyst meeting since its August initial public offering, the executives said they are aggressively adding products and staff, but are limited by their own recruitment standards and ability to expand Google's technical infrastructure


"Can we hire the quality and quantity of people we want to? No," said co-founder Sergey Brin, speaking before several hundred analysts at Google's Mountain View, Calif., headquarters. "We're underinvesting in our business because of the limitations of hiring." Google said it has more than 3,000 employees, up from 2,292 in June. Mr. Brin said Google was "probably 10% to 20% below" where it wanted to be in terms of the level of its technical infrastructure.

Brin氏曰く「我々は人材不足のために思うようにビジネスにとりくめていない」 現在3000人ほどの社員がいるが10〜20%ぐらい足りないという。

Mr. Schmidt said Google was seeking to reach advertisers outside the midsize companies it currently serves best. "We still, as a company, do not have all of the products and services needed to serve all of the largest advertisers or the tiniest of advertisers," he said. Google in the fourth quarter had 227 advertisers that were on the Fortune 1000 list of the largest companies, compared with 156 a year earlier. Highlighting one potential change, co-founder Larry Page said Google over time will give advertisers "more choice over where and how they show their ads."

Schmidt氏が言うには、Googleは中規模の会社からのビジネスチャンスを求めている。今大会社についてはうまくいっているFortune1000社のListingの中から227社がGoogleに広告をうっている。 (前の記事で同氏はLong Tailについて言及してましたよね、他の記事でもそういったものを散見します)
