

<追記> CNET Japanですでに記事になってます。そちらをみたほうがいいかも。


ASAP Express is a free web conferencing tool. ASAP includes tools for audio, video, PowerPoint, screen sharing, chat, and file sharing. Cool DEMO trick - an audience member called in to the Convoq demo and established a real-time video chat (there were some technical difficulties with the audio but it was a huge hit). While the demo was going on, a second Convoq demonstrator downloaded the app, imported all of his contacts from Outlook and his IM client and was up and running. They also showed integration with Social Text Wiki. Very cool stuff and, did we mention it's free?


<Genpakuのつぶやき>値段きになりますねぇおっとCNET Japanですでに記事になってました。。先にみとけば。。。使い勝手はまだためしてません。後でやってみようと思います。値段については一対一であればタダのようですが、複数でやると有償のようです。$249.95/yearよりとありますから。なかなか良心的のようなきもしますが、さて実際にやってみないとね。