Blogツールマーケット レポート



Last August in An Overview of the Weblog Tools Market the concept of a Weblog Tools Use Index was introduced - the degree to which Google spidered pages associated with certain weblog tools, with the proposal that this number could be used as a proxy for the extent to which the tools are being used, and therefore give some indication of "share" of use.


One piece of public data we have is from Technorati, a service that tracks weblogs. In August 2004, Technorati had tracked a little over 3 million weblogs. At the time of this analysis, early February, 2005, Technorati had tracked 6.9 million weblogs, an increase of approximately 120% in six months.




(注: Rollerweblogger, Nucleuscms, b2evolution, and MSN Spacesなどは含まれていない)

In January, 2005, Six Apart, the company that produces both Typepad and Movable Type, acquired LiveJournal, the second largest blogging service, giving that company a combined Google share of more than 40%, making it the number one provider of weblog tools and services.

2005年 Six ApartLiveJournalを買収し、(3位が2位を買ったことになる)結果Google Shareとしては40%をとり、一位に躍り出たとことになる。

Growth Share Matrix
Y軸:現在のGoogle Share
円 :Linkの張られているURL数
(注:MSN Spaces はこのグラフにないのは、6ヶ月前のDataがないためである、仮にのせるとしたらならば、3%ぐらいのシェアをとり、かなり右側に配置されていることだろう)

In any market that is growing at an astounding 300% a year, if your user-base is only growing by 50%, you are falling behind, quickly. The winners will be those companies that are able to sustain a higher-than-average growth rate over time, carving out enough market share to build a profitable business.


Typepad continues to be an anomaly. Trailing only Blogger in both share and growth, Typepad - a fee-based service - is gaining share in a field of free services.

