
The best story about Google yet


1) The extent to which Ram Shriram and Ron Conway -- the angel investors, and advisors -- had to work to bring John Doerr, of Kleiner Perkins, and Michael Moritz, of Sequoia, together on the deal -- and the entertaining but insightful drama about how the two Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin resisted hiring an CEO, and the art with which John Doerr maneuvered the situation.

2) Perhaps the most remarkable: The heroic role played by Bill Campbell, the former CEO and current chairman of Intuit. Recruited by Doerr to be a coach to the two young ambitious founders, Campbell is made out by Heilemann to be the savior of Google, a key component of his story's theme, i.e., that despite their ambition and talent, the kids still needed father figures to get through it all:

“I think John Doerr would say Bill Campbell saved Google,” says Kleiner partner Will Hearst. “He coached Eric on what it means to be a CEO―not the CEO of Novell but of a company like Google. He taught Eric it’s a lot like being a janitor: There’s a lot of shit you have to do. And he spent a lot of time with Larry and Sergey, explaining the difference between being a cool company or a smart company and being a successful company. It didn’t happen overnight, but Bill Campbell won.”

“God bless that man” is what Doerr says. “I don’t know where the company would be without him.”

Moritz concurs: “He is the quiet, behind-the-scenes, unsung hero in this whole epic.”

3) A cute anecdote about Larry Page sitting on a plate of food during the IPO roadshow.

4) The story behind Larry Page's notorious letter to shareholders, and Doerr's midnight drive to the Googleplex to make sure it was edited.


2)実はInuit社の元CEO・現会長であるBill Campbellがコーチとなったおかげで今日のGoogleがあるということ

3)Larry PageIPOの当日お皿に座って行方をながめていた

4)Larry Pageが株主に宛てた有名な手紙は、かなり大人たちの手ほどきをうけているということ
