New York TimesはAbout.comを使いきれるか?

New York Times Buys

I can't imagine this is a good thing for About. The Times will look to charge money for some content, won't make much of an effort to make the site any better, and certainly won't look to remove the horrible overabundance of advertising, since that seems to be their only interest in the site. About is such a potentially great resource, but I don't predict the Times will use it properly. Maybe, just maybe, they Times will look to this as an opportunity for them to have a very advanced and professional web presence, but I highly doubt it. Maybe Google will buy it from them for a lot less than the price they (over)paid for it.

NY TimesはWeb上での認知度を上げる為だけに買ったにすぎず、Aboutのよさをうまく生かしきれないのではないかと警告している。そして将来GoogleがNYTimesからAboutの事業を買うようなことになるのではないかとも。

<Genpakuのつぶやき>新聞メディアが真剣に(危機感をもってと思いたい)Webへの転化を検討した結果がこれだと信じたい。そんなにNY Timesもおばかさんではないのではないかと思うんだけど。。。