
Slump wears on valley's spirit


Remember VA Linux? The tiny Sunnyvale computer maker had the hottest initial public offering in history, rising more than 700 percent to $299 a share on its first day of trading. Today, the company, now called VA Software, trades at less than $2.

VA Linuxという会社は株式公開し、いきなり700%上昇 $299の値をつけた記録を持つ会社であるが、今はVA Softwareと名を変えて$2以下の値動き。

Customers accepted fantastic claims about how fast Internet usage would grow and how dramatically it would reshape the world. (According to one study, the telecom industry so overbuilt during the boom that today only 10 percent of the 39 million miles of fiber-optic cable buried underground in the United States is being used.)


On March 10, 2000, the fever reached its peak. In the following months, the Nasdaq composite index, the bellwether of technology stocks, fell sharply from that day's high of 5,048.62. The valley's tech companies saw their businesses crumble shortly thereafter.

ちなみに本日は2059..72 そして 2002年10月頃最安値1300以下の値をつけてますから、5000を超えるという如何にすごいかわかりますね。


During the peak of the boom, Excite@Home was the leading high-speed Internet access provider, with more than 4 million subscribers to its cable modem business and a market value of $13 billion.

But the Redwood City company went bankrupt in 2001 thanks to a series of bad deals and strategic decisions, costing 1,300 employees their jobs.




The amount of venture capital, the lifeblood for young companies, has shrunk dramatically since the bubble. VCs raised just $17 billion in new funds from investors in 2004, down from $106 billion in 2000.


However, money is once again beginning to flow into start-ups. In 2004, total venture capital invested rose for the first time in three years, to $20.9 billion from $18.9 billion. But the amount being invested in the risky, early-stage companies continues to lag.

