
Interview With Fired Google Blogger

以前にもなんどかこの解体新書にも登場しているMark Jen氏。その後もなんどかいたるところで取り上げられていたが、あまり興味なく、読み飛ばしていたのだが今回は写真付のインタビューということもあってなんとなく読んでみた。

Mark Jen started work at Google on January 17, and posted his first comments on his new blog almost immediately. As far as Jen was concerned, the blog was for his girlfriend and a few others to read -- he posted a link to it in his America Online user profile, but never got more than a hundred hits per post. Until, that is, Nathan Weinberg of the blog InsideGoogle found the site, and bloggers started linking to Jen’s revealing posts about adjusting to life at Google. Less than a month later, Jen is an out-of-work internet celebrity.

At this point, even though he was getting more hits on his blog, Jen claims he still didn’t know that his posts were being picked up by bigger sites. It was only after talking informally with the manager that he realized that he might be causing trouble for the company. “The guy said, ‘There’s something going on with your blog. Why don’t you take it down,’" said Jen. "So I immediately unpublished the posts.”

MSを1年半そこそこで退社してGoogleに入社し、それと同時にBlogを始めた。彼女とうちわの友達向けに始めたBlogが大物BlogのInside Googleにリンクを張られてからアクセスが急増。


“At Microsoft I could have said, ‘We’re doing great and we’ve got great products,’ but it just so happens that Google is very strict about what they want us to do," Jen said. Indeed, several bloggers besides Jen have written (and continue to write) about life inside the other tech giants. For instance, see Robert Scoble’s page about life at Microsoft.

But Google is different. Even their PR people -- who are trained to get publicity for the company -- are secretive about the goings-on inside the Googleplex. Google representatives declined to comment for this article, beyond stating that Jen is no longer a Google employee.


<Genpakuのつぶやき>なぜに人々は彼についてこだわるのか、なぜに梅田氏は彼の情報を追うのか。。。正直私は興味ない。考えられる理由は2つある。1)Blogの影響度:Jenが前半述べているように自分は気づかずにあまりにも多くの人に公言してしまっていた。これが実態のある紙の新聞であったならば如何に地方の新聞だったとしてももっと慎重になっていたのではないかと思われる。  2)Googleの神秘性:やはりみなGoolgeの中をもっとみてみたいのだろう。またおおらかであると(すくなくともMSより)思われた社風が意外な対応をみせたことが興味を引くのであろう。ようするに見極められぬ不思議な若く、強大な会社をみな少しでも理解したいという知的好奇心からくるものではないかと思われる。