Bill Gates Interview

One-on-One with Bill Gates


JENNINGS: Is the U.S. as competitive as it needs to be?

GATES: I think we need to renew our competitiveness.

JENNINGS: How do we do that?

GATES: Well we need to look at particularly our education system. I'm very passionate about the fact that our high schools are not doing the job they should do. They were really invented for an era where really not every one needed to get a good college education to get the jobs of the future, and so I think we need to start there. I think we need to look at some of the efficiencies in our medical care, legal system, but education would be at the top of my list in keeping the U.S. at the forefront, where it clearly is today.




GATES: Well I think most people are kind of overwhelmed with the statistics. You know that you hear a million people die of Malaria, several million people die of AIDS, and its hard to relate to. Whereas if you knew just one family, and saw what was happening there, you could understand that those children have joy and opportunity, just like your children do. Then it would be easier to relate to. And so for me, you know I study the statistics, but I also have to go over there and have that direct connection to really renew my belief that every life should be treated on an equal basis.


GATES: Well private money can take risks in a way that government money often isn't willing to. For example, take the creation of a vaccine that will eliminate AIDS as a problem or Malaria -- that's been vastly under-funded and we need to change that. Governments didn't want to try something that could be a failure.


GATES: Oh the iPod did a great job, but what Apple's done there is typically what they do. It's their, only their one music store, only their device. What we're doing is providing choices. So it's like the Apple computer versus the PC. With the PC you can buy from many companies so you get cheaper prices, you get more variety and here with music devices we're coming in with the same. But they're a strong leader in the space and I think as we gain share, people will be surprised.


iPodはすばらしい! ただAppleという会社はいつもAppleのやり方でしか事をなさない。ぜんぶ自分たちだけで完結させてしまうソリューション提供だ。パソコンもしかり、AppleのパソコンはAppleからしか買えないが、普通のパソコンは様々な会社から選ぶことができる。選択の余地があり、また競合により安く買える。。。ただAppleはすばらしいリーダーカンパニーであるのは間違いないが、(iPodについても)我々がShareを伸ばすことになるので皆驚くことになるだろう」

JENNINGS: What is the next big thing?

GATES: Well, we can make computers far simpler than they are today even as we're doing more and more with, you still have to learn to much about the innards. You know, security is a great example of that. Even communications, you have multiple e-mail accounts, and instant messaging and phone numbers, it should just be that you pick the person you want to contact and the right thing happens automatically. If you want to have a meeting, you ought to be able to have somebody at a distance be involved in that in a very simple way. So communication itself is still very, very inefficient. That's one of the areas where we see breakthroughs, even in the next 3 years.



GATES: Well SPAM is taking e-mail, which is a wonderful tool, and exploiting the idea that it's very inexpensive to send mail. What we're doing is we're filtering out these SPAM e-mails because they have a certain character, certain topics that they cover, that filtering works very well. SPAM is way down from its peak. There's a new technology that is an industry standard we created called Sender ID that will bring it down even more. And so we're well on the track to making this problem and making sure that it doesn't make e-mail waste your time with lots of unimportant messages.

SpamについてSender IDという概念をもって対応する

JENNINGS: When I said to somebody the other day that you at Microsoft had always said we will continue to be the innovators of technology this person who was young and a techie said "Oh they've never innovators they buy other people's material, they expropriate other people's knowledge and adapt it into their business." I don't understand that completely, but is there some truth in that?

GATES: Well the biggest thing we did was we invented the field. That is there were no other companies doing what we were doing. The idea of the PC, the idea of the software industry -- that was something very, very unique. There are companies like Xerox had a research lab that did a lot of forward looking work. In fact, the whole interface you see with windows and with the Apple McIntosh a lot of the early ideas came from Xerox. A lot of the good people who did the work there are now here at Microsoft taking those ideas a lot further. And so, it is important to acknowledge that we build on the work of others. But if any one company has done a lot of unique work, breakthrough work, risk-taking work, that's gotta be Microsoft.


「我々は今までだれもなし得なかったことをやってきた。パソコンのインタフェースについてはXerox研究所がすでにすばらしい先見的なアイデアをもっており、Windowsマッキントッシュが使用しているほとんどのUser InterfaceXeroxが考え出したものだった。ただそれを実際に製品化し、そのリスクをもってなしえたのはMSだ」

JENNINGS: Which movie do you think's gonna win the Academy Awards?

GATES: Perhaps Hotel Rwanda. I think there's a lot of good movies this year so I can't say for sure.

JENNINGS: What's the last book that you read that really made a difference in your life?

GATES: I just finished reading Jared Diamond's book called "Collapse" and I highly recommend it, it's about societies that used up their resources and therefore, went into decline. So he's talking a lot about some of the environmental challenges will face and it's a fantastic read.


Jared Diamond の "Collapse"  は是非お奨めだそうだ。


GATES: Well, I looked at what is the greatest inequity in the world. The U.S. is very oriented towards solving inequity -- gender inequity, racial inequity. In fact, you'd have to say, the great inequity is that we let people die of these diseases. We treat their lives as being worth less than a few hundred dollars because that's what it would take to save them. And so there's a huge disparity and bringing the advances in science to those diseases can change that in a big way. So, my goal was to pick the thing I thought was the greatest inequity in the world, focus on that as our top priority and that's world health and then take the greatest challenge for the United States and make that also a priority and that's the work we're doing in education.

「性別による差別・人種による差別と色々とあるけど、(治る病気にも拘らず)薬がない為に死亡してしまう差別が一番重要と考える。(この場合”差別”という言葉が適当かどうかは疑問だが)なぜなら彼らの命は数万円の価値すらないといっているようなもんだ。 従って私のゴールはこの世の中でもっともひどい差別をなくすことである」
