Yahooの新検索Y!Q生みの親Reiner Kraftのインタビュー

Inspired: A Conversation with Reiner Kraft


Q: So the distributive part makes sense. Why "disruptive?"

A: Because it changes, or potentially changes, the way people search. Rather than having to go to a special page to perform a search, a search box is always a click away. You don't even have to type in a query. You can, if you want to refine your search further, but really it's optional.


Q: This question was posted by a blogger who thinks content publishers could use the Y!Q icons to help generate ad revenue. He asks, "Are there any plans to add contextual advertising to Y!Q?"

A: That's an interesting proposition. Y!Q is a new beta product and we're planning a lot of enhancements; but first and foremost we're focusing on giving publishers more control over the display and content in Y!Q. As we develop new features, we'll make sure to post them on the blog.


Q: Tell me a bit about your patents. You actually have one hundred?

A: I don't know the exact number. I filed probably over 100, and so far on the order of 40 have been issued. It typically takes about 2-4 years for patents to issue, so they're coming all in gradually.

Q: Wow.

A: That was mostly between the time of '98 and around 2001 maybe.


<Genpakuのつぶやき>2月頭にBeta開始ししたこのY!Q(IQをもじったらしい)私しりませんでした。いやほんといっぱいありすぎてこまっちゃう。通常検索・Blog検索、けんさく・ケンサク・Kensaku・健作ともうどれをつかったらいいのかわかんなくなります。こうなったら「これを調べるときはこの検索サービス!」という検索の検索が必要です。そう、一番格安の旅行サイトをサーチして結果を並べてくれるサイトがありますが、あの発想です。。。 それからもうひとつ。検索の楽しみは古(いにしえ)のWebサーフィンを彷彿させる楽しさ。でも一発で回答欲しい時はうざい。それで ”サーフィンモード”と”一発モード”を選択できるようにしてくれると便利だなぁ。